Great Pyramid of Giza


Ancient History

In the ancient times Egypt was founded because of the growing economy and population of the area around the Nile River that future Egypt would occupy. In these times Egypt held the same general area it does now. Egypt was mainly an agricultural community ruled by a Pharaoh

Early History

As Egypt grew it split into two halves, Upper and Lower Egypt. The Pharaoh was in charge of many things including, but not limited to, leading the armies into battle and the planting. The Pharaoh was also in charge of keeping the order of the universe.


 Daily Life

The government they have today is a republic. They have politics they select. In ancient Egypt they had a monarchy and the pharaoh had all the power. 

Economy: Services make up the largest sector of Egypt’s economy. They also have a lot of farming there. Many egyptians have to work very hard everyday to make enough money to live. 

Travel: You can get to Egypt by airplane. The Cairo International Airport is the second busiest airport in Africa.

Daily life: Many Egyptians are poor and struggle to keep up on payments. In ancient Egypt things were much worse. Only a small number of people were rich; the pharaoh and his servants. 

Language: The language they speak in Egypt is Arabic. A Lot of other Mid-eastern countries speak Arabic.

Politics: One third of legislators are nominating to run for president. In ancient Egypt they had pharaohs that were passed down over generations.  

Mysteries of the Wonder



The Great Pyramid of Giza is located in Giza, modern day Cairo. Egypt is mostly a desert, (but there are Oases) it is separated into two parts, black and red, though red is sometimes known as orange or white. Red is the side with more animals and land forms. Black is the tan side, where there are palm trees and few animals. Egypt is extremely hot because it is in the Sahara desert, at night it is surprisingly cold. Oases are common but are slowly going away, people overuse the resources and like endangered animals, go away forever.


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